Sweet toes, how I love you.
Chubby and cute
I could kiss you all day long!
Can you hear the call?
Come to me my people, come
Perhaps you feel like the Prodigal Son...
longing for home but, afraid of the reception you'll receive
if you dare to show your face?
There's no need to be afraid of your Father
When He sees you
will He frown,
cross His arms and turn away?
When I see you I will run
What's this? He's running to meet you?!
I will be there, I will be there
What comfort is found in His embrace!
Before you call, I will answer you
No excuses, no vain promises to do better...
He quiets you with His love and sings a soothing song to your soul.
While you still speak, I will hear
He hears the longings and intentions of your heart,
listens in rapt attention while you pour out your soul.
My ears are turned to the cry of my chosen ones
He hears the cry and listens with compassion,
ready to offer the Love that will banish all fears.
In my love you can rest in me
Contentment, peace, calm, rest ...
all found in the arms of your Savior.
Will you trust Him enough to rest there?
For you are my very own
Despite your rebellion and stubbornness,
He has an everlasting love for you.
A love that fights for, protects and is jealous over you.
So hold on to the hope you have
The hope birthed out of the love that's been lavished on you.
Hope that knows no limits, no restrictions,
no "If you do '....', He'll love you more."
That I would draw you to myself
With a love that keeps pursuing and never gives up on you.
That pulls you in and captivates you.
For I will never leave you alone
Even in the dark, lonely places
He is there.
When you are blinded and disillusioned,
defeated and filled with regret,
He is there.
You are never alone.
I will not forget you, I gather my lambs in my arms
Even though you wander and stray,
looking to greener pastures.
You are always on His mind.
He will search you out and bring you back.
He will tend to the wounds and bruises,
gently nursing you back to health.