02 February 2010

i am not

I would love to be a make-all-my-food-from-scratch, gardening, super-artistic, perfect-hair, house-always-clean, piano-playing, 3-sizes-smaller, quiet woman.

But I am not.

What I am is a woman that has many flaws and weaknesses. A woman who sometimes buys my son nachos at the Target Cafe for lunch because I'm too lazy to make lunch when we get home. A woman who sometimes throws all the laundry that needs to be folded into my room when guests arrive. A woman who's idea of "making" cheesecake is buying the Jello boxed mix.

And I'm okay with that.

Most days.

Then, I read a blog like The Pioneer Woman or watch my sister-in-law manage 5 kids, keep a clean house, home school and participate in various charitable causes without(seemingly) breaking a sweat. And I obsess for a moment about how I'll never get it together.

And then I remember...I am not them.

What I am is a woman that loves her family. A woman who loves to laugh and play with her children. A woman who loves to make her husband's favorite food, on a weekday, just because. A woman who loves her Lord and is so grateful that He loves me back...

...just for who I am.


  1. Oh, this was so great! You are so right. I love that God created us all uniquely. What a creative God we serve! Lovely blog!

  2. Thank you for letting me know about the Little Hearts curriculum. I will definitely look into it!


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