20 March 2010

stay tuned...

After being off the computer for a few days, I've got lots of thoughts swirling around in my head. As soon as I get them sorted out I'll share them with you. 

In the meantime, I've got a mystery for you.

Anybody know what this is?

If you guess correctly you could own this bracelet by Sweet P Jewels (that's me).


  1. The only thing that came to my mind was grates on a stove. :)
    Beautiful bracelet!

  2. I was thinking the stove element but since that was already guess. I will guess part of a wrought iron bench.

  3. Err... is the name of the picture a major giveaway?

  4. I think it's a stove element too, but since it's taken, I'll go with Pitchfork!

  5. stove burner but it doesn't look like it is actually on the stove.

  6. wow, that was my first thought, too! I guess it really does look like a stove burner!! If its not that, I honestly have no idea!

  7. Stove burner is my vote too!

  8. My guess is a stove burner! But I'm not the first to have guessed that:(

  9. Here I thought I was going to be clever. I think it's the burner coil on an electric stove.

  10. It looks like a stove coil, that isnt hot!

    But I feel I am too late to enter-whats the answer?

    nice bracelet, do you make lots of jewelry? i'd love to look, i also make jewelry.


Roses are red, violets are blue,
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